
Connect with the Filmmakers: darksidefilm.space


A meditation on life, love, and loss, DARKSIDE follows an astronaut as he abandons his life on Earth to save the missing crew of a lost deep space mission.

About Darkside

After a devastating tragedy disrupts the lives of astronaut Sam Bowman and his wife Sarah, Sam accepts an interstellar mission to save the lives of a missing crew on a deep space voyage, abandoning his life on Earth in the process. But when a critical failure leaves him without a crew, and without hope, he’s forced to reckon with a harrowing guilt he can no longer avoid.


Sam Bowman /Blakley David
Sarah Bowman/ Siobhan Connors
Voice of Mission Control / Spencer Zimmerman
Roland Bowman / Roland Almon
Screening Physician / Eugene Thiessen
Suit Technician #1 / Patrick Moonie
Suit Technician #2 / Braiden Van Grootel
Body Double (Sarah Bowman) / Paulina Thiessen

Writer / Director / Spencer Zimmerman
Producer / Editor / Braiden Van Grootel
Executive Producer / Jason Hamborg
Co-Executive Producers / Dorothy Hawtin & Jim Hawtin
Associate Producers / Olly Bian, Pranav Marwah
Cinematographer / Liam Meredith
Production Designer / Raine LeMay
Costume Designers / Tabeni Lightheart & Alex Godlewski
Original Music Composed by / Greg Andersen
Sound Recorded, Designed, & Mixed by / Henrique Andrade

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